TweakRAM Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is Cache Tuning?
This feature allows both viewing and modification of current Windows settings which determine how your virtual cache and swap file are used. Though you may change memory size values to anything you like, we recommend you to apply the optimal settings. Correctly performed cache tuning usually improves the overall system performance. Note that this feature is available for Win 9X/ME users only.
What is Processor Detection Toolkit?
This feature lets you view detailed information about your CPU, Cache, and Feature Set.
What is TweakRAM's Application Startup Wizard?
This is a nice utility that will help you optimize launches of selected programs. With its help you specify minimum size of free RAM needed for the program to run and the least size of RAM that must be free when program quits. At the end of the configuration process you get .trc file. Now all you have to do is double click this file leaving the job to TweakRAM.
I use other memory managers/optimizers/tweakers. Is TweakRAM compatible with them?
Is there some alternative way to register TweakRAM?
Yes, there is. Now we're trying to localize our product for different countries and with your help it will be easier/faster. If you feel like you can help then send us email to and do not forget to specify languages which you can help with.
Does TweakRAM run on Win95/Win98/WinME/WinNT/Win2000 and WinXP?
YES! TweakRAM was designed to be compatible with all these Windows Operating Systems.